>The anti-immigrant attitudes of much of the GOP base precluded it, at this time. Has any would-be presidential candidate been disqualified as a result of spending a brief period, during the preceding 14 years, living outside the United States? Is this assumption correct? Such statistical correlations – even if valid – would not justify categorically excluding members of those groups from the presidency, and the same point applies to immigrants. In religious circles it has been said that few are as righteous as a recent convert.

Good thing we have a First Amendment then.

I suggest you either tell us what you’re talking about, and provide evidence of what the claim is, or shut up. He wants to change that, too, doesn’t he? They are citizens, but not natural born citizens. Example: My wife was born in England. The US is a large country with many regional differences (accents, idioms and dialects). “Natural born” is used, but never defined. First, very simply, the Supreme Court has ruled many times that when determining what the Constitution means, every word is important. So a rule that whether naturalized or natural-born, you need to have been an American for 35 years, would be a good one. I lived with him there for almost six years until he sent me back here in the Philippines. Unless your parents were citizens of this country, this country is not your birthright. Many people believe, myself included, that the key issue is parentage. Trump Says Mail-in Votes Are Suspicious Because They Overwhelmingly Favor Joe Biden. I can provide full citations if anyone is interested. Therefore the birthers are either crazy, ignorant or just plain racist. I am american and had lived in the states my entire life prior to coming to live in egypt 1 year prior to my son's birth. What’s the difference between Stella and a rock? Does it apply to everyone born in America, and is there a difference between a “native born” (one naturalized at birth by statute) and a “natural born” (one who does not require any naturalization) citizen? There was generally no such thing as a citizen of the federal government until the fourteenth amendment in 1868. The second attempt at amending the Constitution in this manner was then-Senator Orrin Hatch’s Equal Opportunity to Govern Amendment in 2003. (see US Code: Nationality at Birth and Collective Naturalization - §1401. I voted for Bush, Jr., by the way, and would do so again considering the idiot (or moron or imbecile) he was running against. When the mother and the father are both citizens (natural citizenship - through nature - by descent), and the child is born on US soil (place of nativity - birthplace - born) the child is a US citizen without any doubt, and without having any ties to a foreign government either by nature or by place of birth. By that I mean that, for example, preventing The Arnold from being eligible doesn’t have an important impact. Be careful not to lose the true meaning of the term. It’s fine. If citizens come to America and have a child, the child is a simple citizen. The founders were careful to use the term only for the presidential qualification. Comments do not represent the views of Reason.com or Reason Foundation. And of course the best way to get an amendment passed, which needs a supermajority which one party will almost never get, is to alienate one party? Court enlargement has occurred a number of times. I can and I intend to run for U.S. office and there is nothing anyone can do about it. We don’t need to pack the court, we’ve Roberts on our side. Perhaps the most obvious objection to letting immigrants ascend to the presidency is the fear that they might be less loyal than native-born citizens are. When FDR, who had a level of popularity that Joe Biden will never even hope to have, tried to do it in the 20th Century, he was shot down, because it turns out liberals who think they can screw with the Supreme Court are delusional and the general public doesn’t buy that. A citizen's allegiance is considered to be compromised if they have a parent who is legally tied to another country that might possibly have legal jurisdiction or influence over the child. Who should not be eligible to run for president? I don’t remember any Congressional approval of it…. There have also been attempted Constitutional Amendments introduced, but none have passed. The Angevin kings had their shortcomings, but I doubt being born in France had anything to do with it. I wonder how many of these people also believe in Russian “collusion” and other such questions. I don’t see anything wrong with it. As it stands, I agree there’s basically no chance of a Constitutional Amendment like this passing. Birthright citizenship, like any birthright, is illiberal and wrong. Yeah, until Trump’s lackies gut the first amendment. This article is so full of holes it's not worth the time it takes to read it. The "natural born" citizen requirement was originally inserted into the Constitution because some of the Founders feared that European royalty or nobles might move to the United States, get elected to the presidency, and then use the office to advance the interests of their houses. In addition, any amendment is extremely difficult to pass, given the requirement of securing two-thirds majorities in both houses of Congress, and then winning the support of three-fourths of state legislatures. His kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids all can. "Citizen of the United States at the time of Adoption of this Constitution" a/k/a "the Grandfather Clause" a/k/a "Original Citizen" (stated in Article II of the Constitution), referring to a citizen of the US at the time of the adoption of the Constitution. Too bad. have you been paying attention the last 16 years, especially the most recent 6 months? First off, children born on foreign soil, with the exception of those born to military service members on active duty, on the soil of a military installation and those born on the soil of a U.S. embassy are never considered natural born citizens. In 2016, the target was Ted Cruz.

Germany hasn’t collapsed in spite of her, not because of her. They are either automatically naturalized at birth by statute. Are there no sales taxes? Portland’s protesters aren’t going to fade away after the election, but are they stuck in a rut? Not the Supreme court. That’s the thing: It’s never really been decided who is and is not a natural born citizen of the United States.

The term 'natural-born citizen' simply means just what it says - a citizen by birth according to natural law. Once it becomes common knowledge, his tenure is over. Or maybe identify a potential candidate they like, who has some financial difficulties, and offer generous assistance?”, That there are other methods for a foreign power to subvert our system does not affect the viability of this one…. I would venture to say that there wasn’t any time in the last 200 years when the average person didn’t understand the 2nd amendment to guarantee an individual right. Like the Russians can’t plant someone who just sits as a sleeper for 14 years…. They are separate entities.

If you can’t admit the problem, you can’t expect your solution to get any traction. Quit whining and focus on getting stomped in the culture war with some level of dignity. You cannot steal an election and think there will not be any consequences for there actions. I bet you could get a lot of agreement that two of the last four choices were terrible. She later came to America, and became a citizen. Mary has a liberal arts degree from Goddard College and Schwarzenegger was the opportunity.

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