Continue With large scale immigration into Canada, it was inevitable that policing here would place a major emphasis on the targeting of immigrant communities. Were it not for the yellowed edges, the placard could almost be mistaken for a sign from any of the Black Lives Matter marches of the past three years. Rogers-Marsh said that a member of the RCMP discharged a firearm after a stun gun was unsuccessfully deployed several times. Five decades later, the poster’s message rings alarmingly timely. Learn how your comment data is processed. The scene was familiar. Between 1931 and 1932, the commission published the findings of its investigation in 14 volumes, one of which was titled “Report on Lawlessness in Law Enforcement.” The realities of police brutality came to light, even though the commission did not address racial disparities outright. The killing took place as the officer was conducting a ‘wellness check’ on her. //